Stove Kraft IPO GMP Today - Stove Kraft IPO Grey Market Premium Updates

Stove Kraft IPO is going to hit the market on 25 January and closes on 28 January. As expected the price band is fixed at Rs. 384-385, so we can expect a good GMP on for the IPO. Stove Kraft IPO GMP started with green and subject to sauda is not fixed. Stovekraft is one of the leading brand in kitchen appliances in India. They are major player in pressure cookers, free stand hobs and cooktops. Check out Stove Kraft IPO grey market premium, Kostak rates, and subject to sauda rates as of today.

    stove kraft gmp

    Stove Kraft IPO GMP Rates day by day with Kostak rates

    Date GMP (in INR) Kostak (in INR) Subject to Sauda
    27 JAN 2021

    26 JAN 2021N/AN/AN/A
    25 JAN 2021N/AN/AN/A
    24 JAN 2021N/AN/A    N/A
    23 JAN 2021N/AN/A        N/A
    22 JAN 202190-100N/A N/A
    21 JAN 2021N/AN/AN/A

    • Grey market premium as on today is ₹90-100, Kostak ₹N/A & Subject to Sauda is ₹N/A
    • Grey market premium as on 20-01-2021 is ₹N/A, Kostak ₹N/A & Subject to Sauda is ₹N/A
    • Grey market premium as on 20-01-2021 is ₹N/A, Kostak ₹N/A & Subject to Sauda is ₹N/A
    • Grey market premium as on 19-01-2021 is ₹N/A, Kostak ₹N/A & Subject to Sauda is ₹N/A

    Stove Kraft IPO Date & Price Band:

    Issuer Stove Kraft
    Issue Type Book Built Issue IPO
    Issue Period Issue Opens: January 25, 2021
    Issue Closes: January 28, 2021
    Price Brand ₹384 to ₹385 Per Share
    Issue Size ₹412.63 Crores
    Face Value Rs.10per Equity Share
    Market Lot 38 Shares
    Maximum Bid amount for Retail Rs. 190,190 Lakhs
    QIB 50% of the issue size
    NIB 15% of the issue size
    Retail Individual Bidders 35% of the issue size
    Offer for Sale ₹ 412.63 Cr
    Fresh Issue ₹ 95 Cr
    Listing at NSE & BSE

    Stove Kraft IPO Tentative Timetable

    The Stove Kraft IPO open date is 25 Jan 2021 , and the close date is 28 Jan 2021. The issue may list on .
    IPO Open Date 25 Jan , 2021
    IPO Close Date 28 Jan , 2021
    Basis of Allotment Date 02 Feb, 2021
    Initiation of Refunds 03 Feb, 2021
    Credit of Shares to Demat Account 04 Feb, 2021
    IPO Listing Date 05 Feb, 2021

    Stove Kraft IPO Market Lot:

    Minimum Lot Size: Minimum 38 Shares
    Minimum Amount: ₹ 14,630
    Maximum Lot Size: Maximum 494 Shares
    Maximum Amount: ₹ 1,90,190


    - IPO Grey Market Premium (IPO GMP) mention is valid for the specific date as mentioned in the header.
    - We are not buying and selling IPO forms on IPO Grey Market.
    - Kostak Rate is the premium one gets by selling his/her IPO application (in an off-market transaction) to someone else even before allotment or listing of the issue.
    - Do not subscribe for IPO by just seeing premium Price as it may change anytime before listing. Subscribe only considering Fundamental of the companies

    Stove Kraft IPO GMP FAQs

    1. What is the Grey Market Premium (GMP) price of Stove Kraft IPO?
    The Grey Market Premium of Stove Kraft IPO is approx. in between Rs  at the moment.

    2. What is the Subject to Sauda price for Stove Kraft IPO?
    The Subject to Sauda price for Stove Kraft IPO is approx. Rs. ₹ 

    3. How much will be listing gain in Stove Kraft IPO?
    Stove Kraft IPO listing gain will be approx. Rs./- (update on a daily basis)

    4. What is kostak price of Stove Kraft IPO?
    The Kostak price of Stove Kraft IPO is approx